
You know what? Am just gonna embrace the idea that my mods have descriptive titles…

After getting that out of my chest, allow me to introduce you to my most recent project:

More Metals & Precious Minerals Mod.

In my humble opinion Minecraft can become very repetitive and not very rewarding when it comes to the “mining” department of the game. So to make the activity more interesting and more entertaining, as the title describes, this mod adds 12 new ores to spawn in the caves of the overworld.

As always, Everything in the mod will be explained in this page, so as many of you know the drill, let’s begin!

The Materials:
1- Candy Gems

Before we begin explaining with detail each and everyone of the 12 new ores, let’s explain what in general terms they all do.

With almost all of the ores, you are able to craft new sets of armor and all the basic vanilla tools of Minecraft, however unlike the vanilla ones. Most of the ores of the mod upon crafting grant instantly enchanted tools/ armor depending on what ore you are crafting with.

Some other ores do not get enchanted when crafted and instead have better or different stats to all the vanilla ones. And finally there are a couple of ores which can’t be crafted into armor or tools and instead are used to craft useful blocks or even a new food source.

So before we get into the more complex materials, let’s start with the most common of the bunch, which are also the most simple.

Starting with the colorful, shiny, cartoon looking:

For that you will need to right click the Clam Shell with a Sand Block on your hand.

At that moment the Sand Block will disappear of your hand and the Clam Shell will close and after that, the only thing you can do is wait, however after 10 minutes the Clam Shell will open and it will have a small Pearl on its mouth, right click it again and boom, now you know how to farm Pearls.

You may think that it's not worth the trouble for a material that is so weak combat wise and so easily breakable but believe me it really becomes an effective material for underwater exploration and very useful when you are looking for one of the other materials of the mod. But we will get to that in a bit.

Looking like something out of the imagination of Roald Dahl, the Candy Gems are a small but useful source of food.

They are 2 of the most common minerals in the mod, the stats of each bunch of Candy Gems are:

  • 3 food points
  • 0.3 Saturation Restored

Now it may not sound as much as each of them give less food and saturation than an apple. But you are able to craft them into a useful and sugary:

Looking like something out of the imagination of 3 hyperactive kids, the Giant Jawbreaker is an expensive but really effective food source. Not only because of its stats:

  • 12 food points
  • 1.2 Saturation Restored
    But because after eating it, you will get a sugar rush, which will grant you for 15 seconds:
  • Speed III
  • Jump Boost II
  • Haste II

Something worth noting is that it takes a little bit to eat it completely, more than all the other vanilla foods, but don’t despair. You will get all the sugar and the cavities that you could ask for.

The Candy Gem Crystals can be found underground.
Something worth noting about the crystal is that if you step on top of one, you will get hurt as they are quite spikey, so keep an eye on that.
You can either mine the crystals themselves with anything better than a wood pickaxe or you can break the block below to obtain the gems.
They are quite common, less than coal but still very common.

The maximal generation height is level 44, even above Iron.


2- Aragonite

After those shiny and cartoony looking minerals, here it comes it's common neighbor, the weirdly looking and strangely colored:

Though the name is not very creative, the aragonite lamp is a very convenient light source as it provides as much light as a glowstone block, though it has a downside as it can only be placed on top of another block, like the floor for example.

However if you try to place it on a roof or on a wall, the Aragonite Lamp will detach from it and become a floating item that can be picked up again.

They may not be that cheap, but they are pretty cool looking.

The Raw Aragonite can be found underground, hanging from the ceiling of caves.
You can either mine the crystals themselves with anything better than a wood pickaxe or you can break the block from where its hanging to obtain the crystal.

They are very common, less than coal but still very common.

The maximal generation height is level 44, even above Iron.


Now that we got the common ones out of the way, let’s talk about the last simple yet rare mineral of the mod, deep within the caves comes the dark and highly flammable:

The Anthracite Ore can be found underground, maximal generation height is level 30.

It’s a little bit more common than gold but it appears in quite less quantities.

You are able to mine it with a stone pickaxe or anything better.


-For the Armor:

  • Respiration I
  • Projectile Protection I
  • Depth Strider I

Now, most of the materials of the mod can be found underground as any other of the vanilla ones, except for 3 who appear in specific places and specific circumstances, the Pearl is one of those 3.

In fact, the Pearl is the only material in the mod, who actually has a completely different process in order to be collected.

So in order to get pearls, you need to find an Ocean biome (or one of its many variations.)

For there only there, you will be able to find:

Remember when I said that this material specifically would be enjoyable for the scuba diving aficionados? Well these guys are the exact reason.

The Clam Shells are new blocks that spawn in the bottom of all the oceans, they are easily recognizable for their looks and their orange bright color.

Now keep in mind that in this specifical image, you can see it crystal clear because I had Night vision on me. In reality, it is quite difficult to see at the bottom of the sea. Which is where the challenge of farming Pearls is, that as well as you know… breathing air.

However one of the 2 problems can be solved easily as you are able to break and pick up the Clam Shell with a pickaxe even with a wooden one.

After you pick it up and place it in a comfortable place for you. You need to begin the process of creating the Pearl.

After the Pearl, the next material is another one of the weaker ones of the mod, however this one rather than being effective against drowning, this one is effective against burning. Here comes the colorful and useful:

5- Bismuth

One of the two new metals of the mod, the Silver is as effective as the Bismuth or Pearl (gold) but more durable than both. Strong as stone but less durable..

Thanks to it’s enchantment as old legends tell, Silver is a great tool to fight the creatures of the night, specifically the undead.

With the Silver, you are able to craft all the vanilla tools and a fresh new set of armor. 

And if you got a little “Over-prepared” for the night, you can always craft a block.

Right next to the silver comes it’s more colorful, weird looking family member, the electrifying and shocking:

The other metal of the mod, the Copper, is one of the more unique materials of the mod, for it doesn't have enchantments like many of the other materials but it is the only material that introduces a new system.

Let me explain: If copper was used in the same way as all other materials, it would be almost identical to silver, however thanks to it’s highly conductive properties, Copper can be used to make the only armor that can be powered through other resources.

This makes Copper tools and armor a little bit more expensive recipe wise than other minerals and its durability is quite insignificant (being a little less durable than stone and the armor less durable than chainmail.)

However it absolutely compensates in its effectiveness which is as good as diamond.

We will talk about the new energy system of the armor but first let’s get the formalities out of the way by saying that you are able to craft all the vanilla tools and a fresh new set of armor.

All the recipes are similar to the vanilla ones but you need to add to each and everyone of them a little bit of redstone in a certain pattern and in the case of the armor even a little bit of gold.

And in case you got a little bit more resources than necessary, you can always craft a block.

The Copper Ore can be found underground, maximal generation height is level 38

It’s a little bit more rare than Redstone but it appears in a little less quantity. You are able to mine it with an iron pickaxe or anything better.

As all the vanilla metals, you need to smelt the ore in a furnace in order to get the ingot.

Here we are, the defining part of the copper:
The Powered Copper Armor.

When you wear this armor you will realize that numbers will appear (0/1200), right beside the name of each piece. Those numbers are the energy meter of each piece of the armor.

To power it, you will require to craft: Redstone Torches

When you're wearing a piece of the armor, you will be able to right click on the air with your Redstone torch on hand, making it disappear from it, at the same time you will hear an electrifying charge. Besides that, if you check the meter of your armor piece, you will see that it will start doing a countdown from (1200/1200) to (0/1200) that lasts 1 minute, but besides that nothing will happen.

The only way to make something actually happen is: when you are wearing all the 4 pieces (helmet, chestplate, leggings and boots) and you charge them up with 1 Redstone Torch.

By doing that you will get Speed II and Protection III while the countdown gets to 0.

In itself the armor is quite weak being as effective as chainmail but less durable, however while powered the armor it will become as good as the diamond one.

So you know it’s kinda worth all the trouble.

8- Ammolite

Now that we got the metals out of the way, let’s return to the minerals and not just any mineral: The bigger and badder brother of the Pearl, the colorful:

Remember when I said that the Pearls were very useful to find another mineral of the mod, well this is that other mineral. Ammolite is one of the other 3 minerals that can only be found in a specific location or a specific circumstance.

That being that it will only appear in the underground caves of Ocean biomes (and all of its many variations.)

Many of them are submerged in the water (duh.) So it can be quite annoying to find it, however it is quite worth the trouble as you can craft all the vanilla tools and a nifty set of armor that are excellent for underwater exploring thanks to its enchantments.

They are also as effective as iron but with more durability and to put the cherry on top you are also able to craft one specific tool that you are only able to craft with this specific material but onto that later.

All the recipes are the same as the vanilla ones.

And as usual, if you got an excessive amount of Ammolite Gems while mining them, you can always craft them into a nice looking block.

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: As of right now, the mod has a very weird bug that I couldn't fix, if you try to craft any tool with a crafting grid, make sure you don't craft it with shift+ left click because by doing so you will get the tool without it's enchantment and you won't be able to put it back.

If you craft it any other way, you will be fine.

Before we continue, I think we should talk about the defining feature of the Ammolite, a tool many don’t even use but that in reality is a great advantage in combat.

If you figure it out, yes you are able to craft with Ammolite and brand new:

Continuing with the tougher minerals, comes the close relative of the Tanzanite, the dual and intriguing:


Giant Jawbreaker:

Unlike the Candy Gem Crystals, the Aragonite is shapeless and it has quite a weird color pattern.

However, regarding it’s looks, the Aragonite is quite a special mineral as it is one of the few minerals which are fluorescent, which means they can emit a small light. With that in mind, you are able to use it to create a new light source.

This is the:

Aragonite Lamp



It may look like a less pointy flint but in reality it is the tougher brother of the coal.

Anthracite is the only new fuel source of the mod and it is twice as effective than Coal.

You are able to craft a block from it (which is twice as effective as a Coal block obviously).



Now that we are done with all the simple ones, we will enlist the more complicated ores, from the less resistant minerals to the hardest minerals of all.

So with that in mind let’s begin talking about the most vulnerable yet fun ore in the entire mod, for those who enjoy scuba diving, let’s introduce the:

4- Pearl

To get a bit of perspective, it is as effective as gold but the tools have a little more durability than wood (which for those who don’t know is better than gold).

However, thanks to its enchantments, it is one of the 2 underwater exploration ores that are in the mod being the weakest of the 2 but still being effective at the task.

With the pearl, you are able to craft all the vanilla tools and a fresh new set of armor. 

Also in case your pearl fever got out of hand, you are able to craft a block.



-For the Weapon and Tools:

  • Smite I
  • Efficiency I



Clam Shells

The Bismuth is as effective and as durable as the Pearl.

However, pretty much everything else is different, as previously clarified its enchantments are all fire related. So it is really effective for lava-levels exploration or even the Nether.

With the Bismuth, you are able to craft all the vanilla tools and a fresh new set of armor. 

Also in case you got a little addicted to farming these colorful materials, you are able to craft a block.





-For the Armor:

  • Fire Protection III
  • Frost Walker I

-For the Weapon and Tools:

  • Fire Aspect II
  • Knockback I
  • Fortune II

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: As of right now, the mod has a very weird bug that I couldn't fix, if you try to craft any tool with a crafting grid, make sure you don't craft it with shift+ left click because by doing so you will get the tool without it's enchantment and you won't be able to put it back.

If you craft it any other way, you will be fine.


The Bismuth Ore can be found underground, maximal generation height is level 32 (Gold level)

It’s as rare as gold but it appears in less quantities. You are able to mine it with an iron pickaxe or anything better.

Right after the most colorful of all minerals, comes the most colorless of them all, the metal of legend against mythical monsters, the one and only:

6- Silver





-For the Armor:

  • Projectile Protection II
  • Soul Speed II

-For the Weapon and Tools:

  • Smite III
  • Sweeping Edge I
  • Efficiency II

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: As of right now, the mod has a very weird bug that I couldn't fix, if you try to craft any tool with a crafting grid, make sure you don't craft it with shift+ left click because by doing so you will get the tool without it's enchantment and you won't be able to put it back.

If you craft it any other way, you will be fine.


The Silver Ore can be found underground, maximal generation height is level 35

It’s a little bit less rare than gold but it appears in a little less quantity. You are able to mine it with an iron pickaxe or anything better.

As all the vanilla metals, you need to smelt the ore in a furnace in order to get the ingot.

7- Copper









-For the Armor:

  • Respiration III
  • Aqua Affinity
  • Projectile Protection II
  • Depth Strider III

-For the Weapon and Tools:

  • Smite II
  • Efficiency II
Ammolite Shield

The Ammolite Shield is quite an upgrade to the regular vanilla shield as it has twice its durability, however, there is a little setback of the Ammolite Shield as it can only be used off-hand, if you use your regular hand, nothing will happen.

A very important feature that has to be talked about is that the Shield, now has a:


VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: As of right now, the mod has a very weird bug that I couldn't fix, if you try to craft any tool with a crafting grid, make sure you don't craft it with shift+ left click because by doing so you will get the tool without it's enchantment and you won't be able to put it back.

If you craft it any other way, you will be fine.


The Ammolite Ore can be found underground, maximal generation height is level 35 and minimal is height level 11

It’s a little bit less common than Iron or Coal. You would think it would be quite easy to find, however there is a thing to consider while looking for Ammolite:

It appears in much less quantities than Lapis Lazuli (which appears less than diamond)

However to compensate for that, out of every single ore you are able to get 4 Ammolite Gems (without any fortune enchantment).

You are able to mine it with an iron pickaxe or anything better.

Now, that we got all the weaker and medium tier materials out of the way, we are in for the toughest and strongest materials of the mod.

Starting with the worst of the best, the mesmerizing and unique looking:


The attribute that defines the Tanzanite are good stats, for it doesn’t have any enchantments or energy based power. However simplicity doesn’t mean it’s bad, just ask the Netherite and the Diamond.

It is in fact quite a good material as stats wise, it’s tools and weapon are right in the middle of Iron and Diamond, however it is as effective as diamond.

Besides that, they have quite more durability than Iron but quite less than Diamond.

Finally the armor is a tiny bit better than Iron (like literally 1 armor point more).

However it does have a little bit of Armor toughness making it quite superior to all the previous armors defensive wise.

All the recipes are the same as the vanilla ones.

In case you got trigger happy while mining it, you can always craft a block





The Tanzanite Ore can be found underground, maximal generation height is level 28

It’s a little bit less common than Redstone but it appears in the same quantities as gold or Iron. You are able to mine it with an iron pickaxe or anything better.

 10- Alexandrite

For those who have never heard of it, the Alexandrite is a gemstone that has the curious characteristic of changing colors depending on the ambient lighting. However that aspect changes a little bit in Minecraft, as instead of changing colors, the Alexandrite tools and armors change enchantments depending on which time of day they were crafted upon.

Another trait that differentiates the Alexandrite from the rest is that you are able to craft a block which is cool looking but also useful but we are getting a little bit ahead of ourselves.

Stats and Effectivity wise, the Alexandrite is almost identical to the Tanzanite, except for the armor (which has 1 more armor point). The big difference is that the Alexandrite has quite more durability both in tools and armor.

All the recipes are the same as the vanilla ones.

And in case you mined more than necessary you can always craft, you guessed it: a block.





-For the Armor:

  • Unbreaking II

-For the Weapon and Tools:

  • Looting II
  • Fortune II

During the day:

During the night:

-For the Armor:

  • Respiration II
  • Blast Protection II
  • Projectile Protection II
  • Feather Falling II

-For the Weapon and Tools:

  • Sharpness II
  • Efficiency II

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: As of right now, the mod has a very weird bug that I couldn't fix, if you try to craft any tool with a crafting grid, make sure you don't craft it with shift+ left click because by doing so you will get the tool without it's enchantment and you won't be able to put it back.

If you craft it any other way, you will be fine.

Now before we talk about its location, let’s talk about that special block I was talking about.

Now some of you might be a little disappointed that the Alexandrite tools and armor don't change colors, if you’re part of this group of people I got you some good news. Allow me to introduce you, the cool looking:

Alexandrite Lamp

This block changes colors depending on what time of the day it is.

And not only that, but it actually provides light (as good as glowstone) and unlike the Aragonite Lamp, this one can be placed anyway you please.



The Alexandrite Ore can be found underground, maximal generation height is level 20

It’s a little bit more common than Gold and it appears in a little bit less quantities than gold or Iron. You are able to mine it with an iron pickaxe or anything better.

Now we are on the last lap of the mod, here are the real heavy hitters, to begin with let's talk about the extraterrestrial and mysterious:

11- Carbonado

Now the Carbonado is really something else, I mean even in appearance it looks kind of odd compared to the rest. This can be explained when you realize, this ancient and cryptic mineral wasn't created in the formation of our earth. It came from somewhere else, out there...

And it's not only what's inside it that makes the Carbonado so useful, it's its physical properties as well.

For it is as effective as diamond but even more durable. It may not have any enchantments upon crafted but it has something much more special. But before we get into that, let's talk about the basics, like how you are able to make it into a set of vanilla tools and nifty looking armor.

All the recipes are the same as the vanilla ones.

And in case you got a little too excited with your rockhounding you can always craft a block:




Now let's talk about the strange power of the Carbonado for a second.

Wherever it came from, it came with a strange and powerful energy flowing through it, one that has unnatural properties.

To unlock this primordial power, you must craft and wear the entire set of the Carbonado Armor.

Upon doing this, you will get 2 status effects, those being: Jump Boost and Fire Resistance. They will not vanish until you stop wearing the armor.

But that's not all, if you have at the same time on your hand one of the Carbonado tools or even the sword. You will get a new status effect depending on which of them you have.

With the tools, you will be granted with Haste and if you have the Carbonado Sword you will get Strength.


Now finding Carbonado is quite difficult, for you can only find it inside the strange:


Now Meteorites are very odd structures that can only be found underground but only inside little caves called "Crash sites."

These "Crash sites" are small spaces that were formed underground centuries ago; they only contain a Meteorite right in the middle of the craters. They can be connected to cave systems but sometimes, you can find them while digging through the walls.

Now there are 2 types of Crash Sites: the small ones and the large ones, each contains a meteorite of its respective size.

Obviously the small crash sites are quite more common than the large ones.

Finally lets talk about the most powerful and the rarest mineral of them all, the one and only:

Another thing that has to be noted is that some meteorites fell into the sea and on rare occasions you are able to find them at the bottom of the oceans.

When you are able to find one, you will need a diamond level pickaxe to break it.

 12- Painite

Now this one really is the reward and the challenge of only the most talented and patient miners out there, the Painite is extremely rare and it’s extremely difficult to obtain considering its location but we will talk about that in a bit.

However if you have the patience and motivation to look for all the Painite for an entire set, you will be highly rewarded as Painite is by far the best mineral of them all, (a way stronger and more effective than netherite) and its durability is unmatched. But even beyond its stats, the Painite upon craft has the perfect set of defensive, offensive and utility enchantments.

All the recipes are the same as the vanilla ones.

Let’s be honest if you have Painite to spare, either you are the most legendary miner that I have ever met or you are just a lunatic. Regardless you can make a block.

So if you think you got what it takes to look for the rarest mineral on the planet. Keep reading as you will need all the guidelines you can get to find it, best of luck!



And there you go, that is all the content in "More Metals & Precious Minerals" as of now.

So in case you missed anything, here are all the items in the mod right now:

The Painite Ore can be found underground, maximal generation height is level 10 and the minimal height is 4.

As mentioned previously it is extremely rare, way more rare than diamond as it appears as much as diamond but in way smaller quantities.

Besides if you’re an expert miner, you are aware that in that deepness there is nothing but stone and lava pits. So you better get really geared up for the job.

You are able to mine it with an iron pickaxe or anything better.



-For the Armor:

  • Protection IV
  • Respiration III
  • Thorns III
  • Aqua Affinity
  • Feather Falling IV
  • Depth Strider III

-For the Weapon and Tools:

  • Sharpness V
  • Fire Aspect II
  • Looting III
  • Efficiency V
  • Fortune III

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: As of right now, the mod has a very weird bug that I couldn't fix, if you try to craft any tool with a crafting grid, make sure you don't craft it with shift+ left click because by doing so you will get the tool without it's enchantment and you won't be able to put it back.

If you craft it any other way, you will be fine.


All the content in the mod:

All the Minerals:

All the Ores:

All the Blocks:

The new source of food:

All the sets of Tools and Armors:

And that's it, if you read the entire article, thank you for being so interested in the mod, now you're ready to go ahead, download it and enjoy it. I would love to hear your opinions about it.

Now get out there and mine them all.

In Future update:

Bugs to fix:

  • Solve the crafting bug of the Enchantments

Future Additions:

  • Amber (Dinosaur Pets)
  • Archeological artifacts (Archaeological Armor and weapons)
  • More Nether Ores (And Nether Sets)

Unblocking Fail-Safe:

The Ammolite Shield behaves and works differently than a Vanilla one.
And if you get killed while having it on Defense Mode, once you pick it up again it will be permanently on Defense Mode, which would be fine and all except when you consider that you will have permanently Slowness IV which is simply not practical.

But not to worry my curious reader, the shield now has a Fail-Safe in case this happens you will simply need to Right-Click it again so it resets to its Idle Mode, and the Shield will work appropriately.